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    Landscape Design and Gardening Resource Guide | Landscape and Garden Maintenance

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    5 minute read

    How to get your out of control landscape back into shape quickly

    You made a commitment to take care of your landscape, but life has its way of rearranging priorities. Maintaining your outdoor spaces can quickly take a back seat to everything ...

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    4 minute read

    How to maintain and protect your gardening tools: a guide for beginners

    For those of us who ditched our tools in the shed and walked away last fall there’s likely more than a little dried soil and rust stuck to the blades. Both professionals and ...

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    4 minute read

    Want to ditch your lawn? Consider the pros, cons and alternatives of No Mow May

    More than any fruit or vegetable, lawns are the largest irrigated crop grown in the United States. According to a satellite imaging study conducted by NASA, lawns cover an area ...

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    4 minute read

    Why a Journal is a Gardener’s Best Friend

    If we asked you what our most valuable tool is, what would you say? Maybe a sharp trowel? Pruners? How about a Hori-Hori? True, these tools help us get the job done, but there’s ...

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    4 minute read

    How to tell the difference between a landscape pro and an amateur

    Anyone can call themselves a gardener these days. It doesn’t take much training to put a few perennials in the ground, water them in and get paid. But does getting paid make you a ...

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    4 minute read

    Why Systems Thinking Makes a Better Landscape

    The landscape conversation is pretty common nowadays. Certainly, every homeowner will consider their landscape at one point or another. Mainstream media and the popular DIY ...

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    5 minute read

    5 Things I Learned from another Amazing Gardening Year

    Running a landscape business can be tough – keeping up with client needs, fixing finicky equipment, staying on top of what employees need to succeed, and snow that comes on ...

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    5 minute read

    A Fine Gardener Digs into the Truth About Soil

    It’s tough for soil to get any respect. To most people, it’s just dirt. But the truth is, soil is a miracle, a universe unto itself right under our feet. It may seem weird at ...

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    3 minute read

    How to Deadhead an Astilbe

    Astilbes are one of those garden plants that are just so easy to love. Originating in Asia, there are now a number of hybrids available worldwide, providing gardeners with a wide ...

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    3 minute read

    Deadheading: How to manage spent flowers in the summer garden

    After bursting forth in a riot of color and greenery in the spring, our gardens can use a little “freshening” during the summer to keep them looking their best. That means ...

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    4 minute read

    How to Prune your Knock Out and Drift Roses

    Roses can be intimidating for many gardeners. After all, roses, in their seemingly infinite variety, attract the most ardent flowering plant enthusiasts, bolstered by an enormous ...

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    4 minute read

    Garden Editing: A great way to re-invigorate your landscape

    This may seem obvious, but it bears stating here: there is a direct correlation between how long you let your landscape go without maintenance and the increased amount of work it ...

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    3 minute read

    Why Every Landscape Needs a Fine Gardener

    There comes a time in many a property owner’s life when he or she looks around and realizes that their landscaping is boring. Same old boring shrubs that need to be trimmed every ...

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    4 minute read

    Assessing Your Landscape - How to avoid big money renovations

    Every landscape – both natural or managed – is dynamic. Nothing is frozen in time. Without proper, ongoing care, all built landscapes and managed environments will experience a ...

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    4 minute read

    Watering in the fall - why it’s good for your plants

    One of the most frequently asked questions I get is “when do I stop watering in the fall?” For some that might seem like a relatively simple question to answer – “summer is the ...

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    4 minute read

    Stepping Back: Tips for when life calls you away from gardening

    Let’s face it. Life doesn’t always go as planned. Family and work issues crop up. Turmoil happens. And when life gets in the way of your gardening you need to be prepared to deal ...

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    4 minute read

    Spring into Summer Action: Completing Your Garden Plant Assessments

    Here in New England, the growing season is in full swing after a cool, wet spring. For gardeners, the challenge has always been when to truly dive into active garden editing. In ...

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    5 minute read

    3 Tips for Busy Homeowners: How to Have a Well-Tended Landscape

    Most traditional landscape management has been based on principles of control rather than cooperation. Historically, gardeners have worked hard to achieve what they considered ...

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    4 minute read

    5 Best Money-Saving Landscape Tips

    Even those of us who are passionate about landscaping and gardening can be equally passionate about saving time and money doing it. Minimizing effort and expense on your ...

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    3 minute read

    5 Top Fall Tasks To Give Your Landscape The Biggest Bang For Your Buck

    Many homeowners don’t realize that fall is a critical time for lawns and gardens. Even though the summer bloom is off, bright colors are beginning to fade, and winter is just ...

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    4 minute read

    How to Weed your garden Like a Pro: Part II

    In Part I about weeding your garden like a pro, we discussed mindset and approach. Now, it’s time to demystify all those weeds. What are they all about anyway? I mean, why do they ...

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    5 minute read

    How to Weed Your Garden Like a Pro: Part I

    What is it about the task of removing unwanted plants from our garden that causes us to hate it so much? Weeding seems to be the one thing that can turn every gardener into a ...

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    4 minute read

    How to DeadHead Salvia

    …and the answers to many other questions about this popular plant Salvias are like that old childhood friend you still love to hang out with: easy-going, dependable, and ...

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    3 minute read

    3 Secret Confessions of a Landscape Professional

    When you have worked for a number of years in any profession, there are stories you could tell, mistakes you've made and, yes, even some things to confess. With all of them comes ...

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    5 minute read

    7 Habits of Successful Waterers

    The single most important resource in landscape care is water. In varying degree all plants need water to survive and thrive. So it stands to reason that my single biggest ...

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    2 minute read

    Tips to Maintain Your Commercial Landscape for Neatness and Safety

    If you’re a business owner or manager, maintaining a commercial landscape requires a little more care and attention than a residential landscape because not only should it be ...

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    2 minute read

    5 Driveway Design Tips Guaranteed to Give Your Home the Best Curb Appeal

    When talk turns to ways of improving property value and creating more “curb appeal” – the visual attractiveness easily seen when first driving up to a home – driveways don’t ...

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    2 minute read

    Tips For Creating Beautiful and Welcoming Front Walkways Your Visitors Are Sure to Envy

    Residential walkways and entries, like driveways, are often an afterthought for many contractors. Often front entries are equipped with plain, precast concrete steps and have no ...

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    2 minute read

    3 Easy Ways to Integrate Indoor & Outdoor Spaces

    Many homeowners are eager to add outdoor space to their property that integrates nicely with their home. Often this is a great way to expand a home and open up additional living ...

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    3 minute read

    3 Things You Don’t Think About When Designing a Lawn Space

    For almost two centuries the “lawn” has been a standard fixture in the American Landscape. Today everyone simply expects a lawn to be part of their landscape, but the interesting ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Deadhead a Daylily

    How to Deadhead a Daylily Due to the great response we received from our previous blog on How to Deadhead a Daylily, The Garden Continuum went ahead and created a Video HOW-TO on ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to choose the right plant for your landscape.

    Picking Plants is here to help you avoid falling into the pretty plant trap!

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    2 minute read

    Annuals Garden Landscaping Ideas

    Annual Gardens - Fall Interest Plants for your Planters There is nothing more beautiful than a planter refreshed with fall blooming annuals. Late summer can bring on a ratty look ...

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    2 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Build a Patio

    Outside living spaces are valuable additions to any landscape environment. Patios are particularly valuable because they extend our living into the landscape in more exciting ways ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Prune a Yew

    Yew = Taxus in Latin ...and there are many species to choose from. This plant however gets pretty bad reviews time and time again from home and business owners. It is unfair ...

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    4 minute read

    Weeds in the Garden: How crazy they make the gardener!

    Weeds, Weeds, and More Weeds: The gardening task that never goes away! More time is spent obsessing on weeds in the garden than anything else. We stress over them, plot to kill ...

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    1 minute read

    Why a Drip Edge is MORE than Smart Landscaping

    What Is A DRIP EDGE? Ever notice that ugly splash-back of soil that stains the foundation of your home? Ever have issues with termites or carpenter ants? Ever get water seepage ...

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    1 minute read

    Is Your Landscape Full of DIRT?

    We all strive to be resilient in our lives by working toward improving our survival skills. That may come in the form of eating well, fitness training, or even gaining new ...

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    3 minute read

    How important is WATER to your garden?

    Gardens Can't Survive Without Water No matter what side of the global warming debate you fall on, the June temperatures contributed to a record-warm first half of the year and the ...

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    1 minute read

    Perennials - How to deadhead a Daylily

    How to deadhead a Daylily Yesterday, I spent an hour as the sun went down deadheading my daylilies. It was a gloriously quiet hour of reflection as I repeated the same action over ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Renovate Perennial Gardens - Video

    How to Renovate Perennial Gardens Spring and fall are great times to start exploring edits to your perennial gardens! Whether you are looking to move and divide a few plants, add ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Edge Your Lawn

    How to Edge a Garden Bed April is quickly coming to a close and The Garden Continuum has been very busy with landscape renovations, projects and maintenance. This week, TGC's ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Divide Ornamental Grasses

    The Garden Continuum is back in action and excited for the 2012 gardening season! This week we wanted to video blog about ornamental grasses. We love to incorporate grasses in the ...

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    4 minute read

    5 Must Do Landscape Tasks for the Spring Garden

    The chill in the air is back, but spring is here. This means there is work to do outside. If you wait until the picture perfect spring weather, you might find yourself with more ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Transplant a Shrub

    How to Transplant a Shrub This week, The Garden Continuum demonstrates how to transplant a shrub. Fall is perfect for renovating your gardens and with the cooler weather, your ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: Small Spaces-Big Garden Potential

    Creating Curb Appeal: Small Spaces-Big Garden Potential This week, The Garden Continuum shares with you a one day landscape project that transformed a small city garden. We are ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Plant a Tree

    How to Plant a Tree Fall has arrived in New England! With the cooler weather upon us, planting season is in full swing. This week, The Garden Continuum demonstrates how to plant a ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Install Drip Edge

    How to Install Drip Edge This week TGC demonstrates how to install drip edge. Many times we encounter landscapes that have insufficient gutters, poor drainage and wood decay. ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to Straighten a Damaged Ornamental Tree

    How to Straighten a Damaged Tree In the wake of Hurricane Irene, The Garden Continuum has been cleaning up tons of tree damage. While Irene did destroy many shrubs and trees, she ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Build a Patio - Part Three

    How to Build a Patio: Part Three This week's video on How to Build a Patio concludes with cutting pavers, installing edging, and compacting and adding joint sand. The Dwight Derby ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Build a Patio- Part Two

    How to Build a Patio: Part Two This week the Dwight Derby House patio project continues with TGC's install staff laying the bedding sand and the pavers. Check out the project ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: Maintaining an Urban Landscape

    Maintaining an Urban Landscape: Challenges and Solutions This week, The Garden Continuum's Installation Staff was down in Providence, RI working on a commercial property. TGC ...

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    1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: How to Fertilize Annuals

    How to Fertilize Annuals Summer annuals have a short growing season in New England so it's important to fertilize regularly in order to get the best performance from your ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos: Proper Pruning Tools and Technique

    Proper Pruning Tools and Technique This week, The Garden Continuum discusses proper pruning tools and technique. Having the right tool for the job and knowing when and how to use ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Video: How to Prepare a Garden Bed for Planting

    How to Prepare a Garden Bed for Planting This week, The Garden Continuum's Install Staff demonstrates how to prepare a garden bed for planting. On this property in Wellesley, TGC ...

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    < 1 minute read

    How to plant a shrub - Landscape Tips Field Videos

    HOW TO PLANT A SHRUB The Garden Continuum's Install Team demonstrates how to plant a shrub. On this particular property, TGC had renovated the garden beds the previous year. For ...

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    < 1 minute read

    Landscape Field Videos - How to set a trellis in your garden

    Installing a Garden Trellis TGC's install team demonstrates how to pour concrete around a custom built cedar trellis. Creativity goes a long way to help preserve the integrity of ...

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    1 minute read

    Sustainability in the Garden

    Sustainability is the hot new buzzword in the landscape world. What does it mean? The dictionary says… 1) able to be maintained 2) maintaining ecological balance

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    2 minute read

    Easy Versus Simple - Demystifying the Landscaping Process

    Working in the garden has become a passion of the American homeowner. The DIY market it is still booming encouraging every able-bodied human to get out there and start digging, ...

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    1 minute read

    Our Garden Blogging Mission

    We hope this blog will provide a place for everyone interested in landscape development to find practical, straight forward information about creating and maintaining the garden ...

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