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    Garden Dreamscape


    This beautiful modern home was built in the woods on a ledge filled site with sandy soils. The goal was to enjoy nature from all of the big windows, and while strolling through gardens filled with native plants. 

    • Front-walkway-with-flowers
    • Front-walkway-before
    • front-view-front-entrance-and-flower-beds
    • full-front-entrance-after
    • crew-working-front-yard
    • front-yard-during-sod-delivery
    • front-yard-after-sod
    • plant-beds-after
    • plant-beds-before
    • side-yard-after-with-walkway
    • side-yard-before-without-water-feature
    • side-yard-before
    • walkway-and-beds-beauty-shot
    • walkway-with-bench-and-plant-beds
    • water-feature-with-plant-bed

    Healthy Soil Comes First

    The first challenge was the soil. By incorporating compost and biochar we were able to jump start new life in the ground to support plants. The plant selection came about as an active collaboration between the client and TGC designers. We wanted to provide for pollinators, wildlife and ecological health and stability with big sweeps of plantings coupled with some choice specimen trees and shrubs. 

    Robust Plants to Start

    Planted in July, this landscape hit the ground running. We provided ample water as we planted the landscape plugs from NorthCreek Nurseries and fed them all with a proprietary bio-inoculant blend formulated by TGC professionals. This ensured acclimation through the summer season. By fall these tiny plugs had already expanded joyfully and started growing and filling in. 


    The lawn is a blend of Black Beauty Tall Fescue and Micro-Clover sod from SodCo. There are meadows on either side seeded with a blend of clovers from American Meadows, and hydroseeded with a conservation blend to stabilize slopes and edges. 

    Longevity Matters

    Planted in 2020, this garden is stable and growing beautifully. We never add fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides. The strong healthy soil supported the plants through the 2022 drought and rains of 2023. We’re already dividing and moving plants to fill more spaces and expand the gardens. Our crews love working here because they are surrounded by healthy plants and a very happy client.

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    Complimentary Landscape Discovery Session

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